Event Rules
Event Director: Jamie
Three games of Uno played
Each game consists of 5 players
One player from each team
Teams may modify players in each game
The result of each game gets points
1st = 5
2nd = 4
3rd = 3
4th = 2
5th = 1
Team with the most points after 3 games win.
Know Your Family
Event Director: Trish
Each team receives a sheet of names and responses
The team attempts to associate each response with the correct name
Each correct answer is worth 1 point
The team with the most points win
Placement in this event will receive the following points
1st = 5
2nd = 4
3rd = 3
4th = 2
5th = 1
Liars Dice
Event Director: Creed
Three games of liars dice played
Each game consists of 5 players
One player from each team
Teams may modify players in each game
The result of each game gets points
1st = 5
2nd = 4
3rd = 3
4th = 2
5th = 1
Team with the most points after 3 games win.
Event Director: Wyatt
Four games of Jenga are played
Within each game, each team alternates by removing a Jenga peice.
The team who knocks over the Jenga is eliminated from the following game.
The result of each game gets points
1st = 5
2nd = 4
3rd = 3
4th = 2
5th = 1
Corn Hole
Event Director: Jamison
Single Elimination Bracket Tournament
Each round is a best of three-game to 15
The maximum duration of match is 20 minutes.
If the game isn't completed within 20 minutes, whoever is ahead wins
See the bracket to the left
See the bracket to the left
Game 1: Team D πΉ Devils vs Team E π² Dragons
Game 2: Team A π Leopards vs Team B π¦ Unicorns
Game 3: Winner Game 1 vs Team C πββ¬ Panthers
Game 4: Winner Game 3 vs Game 2
Team A π Leopards
Team B π¦ Unicorns
Team C πββ¬ Panthers
Team D πΉ Devils
Team E π² Dragons
The result of each game gets points
1st = 5
2nd = 4
3rd = 3
4th = 2
5th = 1
Nature Monster
Event Director: Molly
Tahoe Taverns Golf
Event Director: Dad
Sea Glass Hunt
Event Director: Dad
Event Director: Jenn
Each team takes 4 consecutive rounds of Taboo
The total points scored of the 4 rounds is that team points
Team with the most points win
1st = 5
2nd = 4
3rd = 3
4th = 2
5th = 1
Pickle Ball
Event Director: Shawn
Single Elimination Bracket Tournament
Best of 3 games to 15
The maximum duration of a match is 20 minutes.
If the game isn't completed within 20 minutes, whoever is ahead wins
See the bracket to the left
Game 1: Team B π¦ Unicorns vs Team C πββ¬ Panthers
Game 2: Team A π Leopards vs Team E π² Dragons
Game 3: Winner Game 1 vs Team D πΉ Devils
Game 4: Winner Game 3 vs Game 2
Team A π Leopards
Team B π¦ Unicorns
Team C πββ¬ Panthers
Team D πΉ Devils
Team E π² Dragons
The result of each game gets points
1st = 5
2nd = 4
3rd = 3
4th = 2
5th = 1
Event Director: Jessica
Each player may earn their team an additional bonus point for each bonus item completed.
Each player may only earn one bonus point for each of the bonus events listed.
Each bonus item completed must be documented by a photo within a designated shared photo album
Bonus Items
Polar Plunge
Cooking a Meal For Group
Emptying a Full Trash Bag
Catch a Crawdad